Fishing Report 6/4
As we flip the calendar to June, it appears summer is officially here to stay, and the fishing has been very good as of late. The spottail shiners have finished up their spawning process, which means we can no longer get them, but that doesn't mean the shallow water fishing has to stop. Fisherman are still catching walleyes with redtails, suckers, and even soft plastic on 1/16th and 1/8th ounce jig heads in less that 10 feet of water on Big Pine, Little Pine, Ottertail , Rush, Star, and many other area lakes. We are also hearing very good reports of fisherman having success while lindy rigging leeches and crawlers in 16-25 feet of water, and with the warm weather causing water temps to rise, this technique will continue to get better. The shallow water crankbait bite is also really picking up during the low light conditions of morning and into the evening.
Panfishing has also been very good on area lakes, and crappies and sunfish can be found in shallow water bays in less than 5 feet of water. As water temps continue to warm up in the next several days, crappies and bluegills will start to transition to the deep water cabbage and weed beds of the lake.
We are siting good on fatheads, crappies, sucker minnows, nightcrawlers, waxworms, and leeches by the pound. Fishing and the weather have been excellent, and we look forward to seeing you on the water soon!
Happy Fishing